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Interview with Deicide

Whenever referring to the origins of Death Metal, there are certain bands that laid the foundation of this music genre. 
Deicide isn’t strange to any Heavy Metal fan. The band from Tampa, Florida since 1989 is still shredding and killing with such a powerful force that brings us back that old school sound. The new album Banished By Sin (2024) encompasses that raw and aggressive sound that portrays well the band. Thus, with graphic videos, anti-Christianity themes and a satanic artwork, we had the chance to speak with the drummer Steve Asheim to learn a bit more about this top-notch record.
Steve shared a bit of the band’s ups and downs since the worldwide pandemic, the craftsmanship behind the album and where Deicide will be touring during these next couple of years. Banished By Sin (2024) does not disappoint and it’s a solid evidence that Death Metal isn’t dead nor obsolete.

M.I. - It’s been a while since Overtures of Blasphemy (2018). In the meantime, a pandemic hit the world, wars broke out in the East. What has Deicide been doing since 2018?

We did some lineup changes since the pandemic, a little bit of the house cleaning, and as you mentioned the pandemic took a huge toll in the world. It was, of course, inconvenient and terrible for everybody. We also took the time to write the new record, and we did the Legion Tour which was a lot of fun to do. It made us to get around the world once more after the lockdown and confinement.
During the gap time of COVID-19, as mentioned, we had a tour around the world and did a bit of changes in the band’s lineup. It’s been a long time and especially those two years the world was fucked up, it’s great to get back on track.

M.I. - You’ve been shredding since 1989, and Death Metal isn’t what it was back then. How do you perceive this music genre today?

The music has been a long way. We’re happy to be here, alive, after the pandemic, and back to business. Hopefully, we were one of the bands that was lucky to survive, we actually survived a lot of things. Hopefully we will continue to thrive, and we’ll be around for a long time. We’re doing well, as long as we can hang in there, we´re going to be alright.

M.I. - The record title relates to an outcast and a misfit. What’s the reason behind this record title?

The idea was brought down from the lyrical ideas of the whole band, as well as the album’s title. Concerning the significance, basically you have to have the lyric sheet and, of course, it depends on what means to you. Definitely, the angst and hatred towards religion and a couple of concepts of universal things, especially how we feel about.

M.I. - This album was recorded via Reigning Phoenix Music. Any particular reason?

A brand new label, even though they’ve been around for a while. They’re doing a great job with the record, and they’re all on board to give us promotional videos. They also keep us updated, and we’ll see how it works out when we get paid.

M.I. - It was recorded in Spring Hill, Florida and produced by you. Back into your hometown?

Yeah! We did kind of around the corner of our houses with people we know and like. This actually facilitated the whole production process. It was engineered at Smoke & Mirrors in Spring Hill, which was great. Before, we were with someone else who we didn’t enjoy that much, it sounded much European, especially Swedish. In fact, it was the label who hooked us up with Josh who was able to produce the record, and he did such an amazing job. It’s definitely everyone’s favorite mix in the band. We didn’t really have to coach him too much, because we knew what we was doing, and the record turned out to be perfect.

M.I. - Aside from vinyl and cd formats, you also decided to release a tape. A blast from the past of the tape trading scene?

Yes, it’s great that people are getting back to vinyl, but the cassette box is very cool. We did it via a German company who does cassette boxing releases, and I think they already did three of our previous cassette boxes. 
It was very high quality and that’s why we chose to do the cassette for the new album, because it’s definitely a great product, especially for the collectors. Of all the people, like me, still enjoying purchasing cassette players from 20 or 30 years ago. I still have a boombox running and working. I believe people do enjoy having the physical product and it’s a memory from the past.

M.I. - How’s the reception so far about the new album?

People seem to be really digging it. Reception’s been incredible, but as you know there’s always people who like to shit on us. You can’t please everybody, but we’re happy with the outcome. Generally, people love the songs, but there’s always someone who gives mediocre reviews, but overall, it’s been more great reviews than bad ones.
Generally, we do what we do and at the end of the day people will still continue to enjoy Deicide. I think everyone is going to find in any other band there are records they will not find quite good. I’m comfortable with that, and we’re here to continue to make people happy.

M.I. - The video “Sever The Tongue” portrays sinful priests and nuns. Their tongues are being severed for their committed sins. Definitely a “homage” to the Catholic Church scandals nowadays?

Yes, it’s a way of saying we heard enough of your bullshit and the tongues are being severed, in order not to hear no more crap. It’s a good and funny way to portray that. Even though it’s a graphic video, it’s kind of horrible what the Church has put on nowadays.

M.I. - Back in the early days, you were killing it (and you’re still doing it). However, it seems that you see the band more of a company/ daily job?

You’re right. These guys are all professionals, they’re great at their jobs and we take our job very seriously. It’s good to have people that fully commits to what they love to do, especially dealing with emotions, because we’ve through a lot of that with previous members.
Overall, the whole performance is great. These guys are total professionals, and they can’t wait to get out there to do what we do. I’m happy to have a nice and committed group which dedicated 100% to the band. We know what is to have people who don’t give a shit, and that kills us.

M.I. - What’s the secret ingredient to have Deicide delivering such killing records?

We always try to do our best and hone our craft. We make sure that we know how to do our jobs and we’re committed to it. I couldn’t be happier that we’re still doing what we like to do time after time. I’m just getting good at this, and I’m ready to do even more in the future.

M.I. - Would you like to share anything with our readers?

Thank you very much for this quick interview. I’m so glad for your support, and I hope that keep continuing to keep you guys happy. We’re going to do full tours during this year and the next one. We’ll be in Europe this summer, and 2025 we’ll be in Portugal in Porto and perhaps in Lisbon. I’m looking forward to that.

Listen Deicide, on Spotify
For Portuguese version, click here

Questions by André Neves