Battleroar are one of the references in the epic Heavy Metal of today, and they released in June of this year their fifth album, "Codex Epicus", the second with lead singer Gerrit Mutz. We talked with the band, to know how was the year 2018 and what they are preparing for the future.
M.I. - Let's start with Codex Epicus: how was the critical reaction to this new album?
The feedback we received was more than possitive! Some people consider that Codex Epicus may be our best album, so far! So, no complains!
M.I. - Codex Epicus is the second album with Gerrit Mutz as lead singer. Is his position with the fans already consolidated?
Absolutely!. Gerrit has forged a unique relationship with our fan base since the previous album already and with this one, he just confirms that this position, belolongs to him.
M.I. - In 2017 there were changes of drummer and guitarist - all these changes make Battleroar, a new band?
Not really... Maybe, there are some fresh elements as it goes with technique and approaching of the performing but not as music in general. Every new member has been called to adapt and improvise to the music and history of the band with full respect towards our fans, so it is not really something new apart from the musicians as persons.
M.I. - Mark Shelton participated in Codex Epicus, and had already done so in The Age of Chaos. What memories do you have of this great name of music and your friend?
I miss Mark... He was my mentor, my teacher, my favorite musician and influence and the best person you could meet in Heavy Metal scene... he was one of my dearest friends on this planet and now, everything seems to be so different... May he rest now in peace and we shall see each other someday in the heavens...
M.I. - Codex Epicus brings new elements to your sound, such as the inclusion of clarinet or chorus. Are these elements something that arises naturally or is it the result of the need to do something different from what has been done so far?
Both things you mention here, were something I always wanted to work with but for different reasons, it just never happened till now. In this album, I managed to find the right artists on the right place and time and here we are. That’s all.
M.I. - What are your main musical influences?
I could name hundreds of different names here but in general I could say that I am attracted by the epic element in all possible kinds of music. So, a classical theme or a modern soundtrack can be as interesting to me as folk music or death metal or black metal or whatever... I personally, believe that there is good and bad music according to our personal taste and that goes beyond musical styles. Trust your senses when you listen to music, forgetting about music genres and trends... your ears never lie.

It is... and it’s getting worse with all the financial crisis. Tickets are getting more and more expensive and we definitely cannot miss days from our jobs all the time. So, we concentrate more on personal practising and we try make the best out of the little time we can share in a rehearsal room or so.
M.I. - What is the balance of these 18 years?
Many memories... good and bad. Can’t say for sure which ones we have more. But definitely, no matter was worthy it! I would not change much if I could go back in time. Even the worst moments, were a big lesson for me. So, no regrets, no retreats... forward march to the bitter end!
M.I. - Do you want to share your plans for the future with us?
We are planning to make some shows here and there around Europe and later on 2019, we are going to start working on new stuff.
Thank you for the interview. Epic rules!
For Portuguese version, click here
Interview by Rosa Soares